Saturday, February 12, 2011

Driving in Texas

For the past 6 months we have lived in Austin and we're really starting to enjoy it.  There are many things were love, a lot of things we like, but also a lot of things we don't like very well.  Most of them we'll just have to get used to but there is one thing that absoultely drives me crazy...


I cannot understand how people have survived this long with the horrible driving in this city!  Here are a couple *actual* examples from my drive home from work last night.

1. I was driving southbound on MoPac Expressway along a portion of the highway with 3 lanes in each direction.  This is a divided, elevated highway.  A REAL highway.  There is even a train that runs between the northbound and southbound lanes.  I saw flashing lights and a siren coming up the northbound side of the highway.  It looked like and ambulance.  All the cars in front of me started slowing down.  Serioulsy.  Slowing down significantly.  This will seem even more insane after you read point #2.

2. I was driving in the left lane, commonly known to be the passing lane.  Typically passing lanes are used by those cars driving OVER the speed limit.  The speed limit on MoPac is 65.  I typically have my cruise control set at 69 or 70.  This particular drive I was unable to set my cruise control because the left lane was driving AT 65mph!  No joke!  The passing lane was driving the speed limit.  This is not even unusual around here!  I have never lived anywhere that so many people obeyed the speed limit!  The right lane was only driving about 50mph.  I am totally serious!  Maybe coming from Chicago this seems exceptionally insane, but even in Indiana people speed in expected ways.  It isn't me that's crazy, right?

3. NO ONE uses turn signals.  It is like they are just a suggestion or something.  Everyone here just changes lanes or turns when they feel like it without any consideration for the other drivers on the road.  Drives me nuts!

Ok...I guess I can quite complaining now.  Just needed to vent.  I have to admit, I will be glad to get back to Chicago and Indiana for our trip over the next 2 weeks to be around NORMAL drivers again :)

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