Friday, April 9, 2010

Why it SUCKS to sleep during the day...

I love working night shift...I am one of the few who I think really does prefer it.  BUT...I hate having to sleep during the day for 5 main reasons.

#5 Beautiful Days
You would think I hated sleeping during beautiful days because I wish I could be out in that wonderful day enjoying the weather (and this could be a beautiful snowfall perfect for making snowmen or having snowball fights OR beautiful sunny days with not a cloud in sight and just a light breeze)....Nope.  I hate these days because OTHER PEOPLE are out enjoying the weather making too much noise and keeping me awake!

#4 Miscellaneous Noises
Obviously, I know living in an apartment you are sometimes able to hear noises in adjacent apartments or in the hallway...this can also happen in houses that are close together.  I have in the past been lucky enough to live in a house where my bedroom window was 5 feet away from an outdoor play area for a home daycare center.  Lucky me!  Maintenance crews at apartments don't care if you're sleeping...they install the laminate flooring and repaint while talking loudly in the apartment across the hall anyway.  The cleaning crew loves to vacuum the hallways during my perfect sleeping time as well...nice.

#3 The TV
The TV really is only a problem when someone is home and the programming typically calls for loud voices.  Although I can't think of a time I needed to yell at the TV, but I guess March Madness is a different experience. sucks for those who are trying to sleep.

#2 Outdoor Maintenance
I know that it is unreasonable to expect all the people who care for the landscaping in the vicinity of my bedroom window to consult me before starting their work...but it would be nice.  Lawnmowers are LOUD.  It really makes it hard to sleep when I can't open my window on a nice day!  This also includes winter shoveling show.  That makes surprising more noise than you probably think.

#1 The Phone
I hate when my phone rings while I'm sleeping.  Hate it!  I don't typically sleep long periods of time without waking up, so when I am in a deep sleep and my phone rings and it is a number I don't recognize and there is no message left....oh!  I hate this more than anything else!  I have no problem with someone calling and waking me up for a reason.  Even if it is just to talk...I like to talk and if you want to talk to me that is super.  I absolutely am not discouraging people from calling me during the day...I just hate when I am woken up by the phone and it is for nothing!

Anyway...not that I have vented I guess I should make dinner before I head back to work after having been woken up today by 2 of these 5 things.  Yay :(

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