Thursday, April 29, 2010

What is happening in this country?

I am completely enraged.  Please read this article and then you might understand why.

As a health care professional specializing in neonatal intensive care, and a woman, I am completely shocked that a governing body can make a decision like this!  I know that I am a very opinionated person and I have very strong feelings about certain issues that may be contradictory to others, but I am always willing to listen to the opposing views.  I may completely disagree, but I will always listen.  One issue that I feel strongly about is the separation of government and religion.  I completely respect people who are strong in their religious beliefs, but the bottom line is that they are YOUR beliefs.  There are too many religions in this world for our country to have legislation passed that is based on a religious view.  There is much moral and ethical grey area, but if you feel your moral compass is straying then don't do it.  You shouldn't have the right to tell me I can't.  I could talk about this for a long time, but I won't right now.   Our country was indeed founded by Christians (Puritans), but they came here seeking a freedom to praise in whatever way they saw fit.  This is what our country seems to forget too often.

I know that the issue of abortion is very heated and controversial.  I am not here to discuss what is right in respect to abortion.  I am here to say that the Oklahoma legislature apparently has gone completely insane!  To deny a woman crucial information about her unborn child purely so she won't have an abortion is completely disgusting.  As I was reading this article to Shawn I was so disgusted and saddened that couldn't help but cry.  What is wrong with people?  How can this state decide that I shouldn't know that my baby has a disorder that could greatly shorten his or her life or will require much more care than a regular baby?  Too often I see babies born with problems related to trauma during the birth that could not be planned for and this causes a tremendous amount of stress compounding an already thoroughly stressful situation. Hou could you deny a woman that chance to plan ahead, or if she so chooses terminate the pregnancy?  Any physician that actually follows this law and actually withholds this information from a woman should have his or her medical license taken away!   I am so angry about this that I am sure I am rambling.   I am just so angry...and even more disgusted by the people of the USA right now. 

I probably doesn't help that the interview on The Daily Show last night was ignorant and wrote a book claiming that Obama is basically becoming Stalin.  I am just getting tired of this.


The Richardson Family said...

WTF! This is insane!!!

stephanie said...

The law just states that a doctor can't be sued if he or she withholds information, not that they must with hold information. It seems completely contradictory to what a doctor has sworn to do for people seeking his or her service. I'm all for less suing, but not if it comes about by legalizing doctors lying to their patients, about pregnancy, cancer, drug side effects, or any other medical concern.

Stacy said...

WTF is right! You are not alone in feeling angry. I have so many ramblings in my head right now as well. I'll stick with WTF for now.