Friday, April 16, 2010

Memories of a Kick Ass Date Night... that title makes no sense at all, but here we go....

Shawn and I decided we needed a date night tonight.  Our schedules haven't really been coordinating well lately, so a night together seemed to be just the thing we needed.  Shawn got home from work and we headed out for the evening on Lake Street in Oak Park.  If you've never been to Oak Park and are in the Chicago area you definately should.  Lake Street between Harlem and Euclid is probably one of my favorite places in the world!  We walked around, window shopped, and shopped just a bit too (got something for Theresa for her birthday...hehe).   There is a really cute little shop that sells all kinds of weird, random things.  I got some candy cigarettes (remember those??) and Shawn got some Pop Rocks.  Plus they had these sweet ass glasses...

Then we stopped in to Flat Top Grill for dinner (yummy) and had a drink at Bar Louie before we headed to the Lake Theater to see Kick Ass.  I wasn't really sure how well I was going to like Kick Ass...I had seen all the previews (obviously I had...I live with Shawn!) and it looked good but I was not so sure.  I had heard some reviews on the radio about how violent it was and about the language.  Well, I really did like it a lot!  It definitely was violent, with lots of blood splattering about and some crazy guns, knives, swords and any other kind of weapon you can imagine!  Also the language was terrible, and most of that coming from the mouth of an 11 year old girl (who happens to be the most kick ass character in the movie)!  Throw in the sexual teenage angst and I definitely recommend leaving the kids at home!  Teenagers should be fine, but this movie totally earned its R rating!  It was really funny though, and all the characters were great (except Nicholas Cage...I really don't like him).  It actually did have a really good story line that kept you interested wasn't just about the action and violence.  Definitely worth seeing!

I also found this picture on Shawn's phone when I was getting the funny glasses picture and I realized that we never posted it.  It is a picture of my car after the accident we had in May 2008 that resulted in my broken neck, wrist, etc and all the great experiences that came afterward.  Needless to say the car was totalled.  It is still hard to look back at this car and the pictures of myself from the week after the accident with my cast and neck brace and full body brusing, especially when I know that the stupid guy who caused the accident has basically been allowed to do all this to me without any kind of repercussions.  Well, I guess this is another soapbox...some other time.

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