Thursday, March 4, 2010

Physical Therapy...

is a miracle!

I started physical therapy today and it was so great!  The therapist is really nice and I am really optimistic that it will help my neck.  He gave me some exercises to do at home 3 times a day that should help a lot and he thinks that in a month or so I should have tremendous relief!  I am so freaking excited!  We did some measurements of my range of motion (ROM) so that we can track my progress.  He did one thing that basically lengthened my spine by him kind of pulling my head...I can't really describe it but OH WOW!  I felt an instant relief of my pain.  Plus, my ROM was increased immediately afterward with only minimal pain.  I really think this is gonna work!

1 comment:

Lindy from Indy said...

Lisa - I'm so sorry to hear about both of your grandparents. Death is so tough, no matter what stage of life it happens in.

By the way - I hope the PT is helping. I've had a lot of it since my back surgery two months's AMAZING!! I absolutely love it! Hope yours is awesome too!