Monday, March 15, 2010


Considering that I have had very limited experience with death within my family, these last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind of emotions.  Being a nurse you'd think I'd be better at dealing with death, but it is never something that you can ever get used to.  I hope I never do.

Dad just called to let me know that my grandma, Anna Elizabeth (Bette) Lach, just passed away this evening.  She had been placed on a morphine drip this morning and Dad said that when she did go it was very peaceful.  She never wanted to be kept alive with machines and her poor body just couldn't fight the infection that had taken over.  It looks as though her wake will be this Thursday with the funeral on Friday.  St. Patrick's Day has always been her favorite holiday, seeing as she is Irish (maiden name Rooney), so the family didn't think it would be a good idea to have her services then. Plus my Grandpa Lach passed away on St. Patrick's Day years ago (before I was born).  Unfortunately, her birthday is this Saturday and she would have been 86 years old.  At least she was surrounded by her children and family that love her as she passed tonight.  She had a very full life and I am sure she has no regrets.  She had a huge family, even one great-great grandson.  She will be missed.

Mimi and I were talking earlier today and remembering many of the funny things about her that we remember from throughout our lives.  There are SO many!  One thing I know we'll never forget are her delicious french pancakes.  Those were always the first thing we looked forward to on our visits to Dad's.  I remember the summer she tried to get me to stop biting my nails by paying me to luck but at least she tried.  She taught us how to play Rummy and Mimi and I still love to play that together.  If I listed all of my memories it would take way too long, but they are all in my heart and will be there always.

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