Monday, October 12, 2009

Wedding Pictures!

The wedding pictures are ready for viewing! Our photographer will have them up on her website for another 3 weeks if you want to see them or buy any. They are beautiful! There are a ton of pictures too, so be prepared! To access the pictures:
Client Gallery
Lisa & Shawn: Wedding (it is a bit down on the'll have to scroll down)
enter your email address
password: mcgaughey (all in lower case letters)
Enjoy the pictures! We really love them! A friend of the family gave us some of the pictures she took at the wedding and I've put a few here that I like.

The ceremony...Albert did a GREAT JOB!

The bridesmaids and flower girl. Don't they look beautiful!

The little brother and sister. They are looking so grown up...makes me feel OLD!

Superhero groomsmen and ring bearer.

Mom and Aunt Colleen with our super cool ice sculpture. The kids loved this thing! A few times they were caught licking it...Gross!

Our Sweethearts Table...the happy couple!
Mom & her married girls.

Oh Albert & Andrew...the life of the party, as usual.
Speaking of Andrew, we got a new update on his condition. The CT scan they did a few days ago looked good and they've been weaning him off the of the medications that were keeping him in the induced coma. He has now opened his eyes and is moving his left arm a bit. He is still on the ventilator and has acquired ventilator associated pneumonia, but things are starting to move in the right direction. As he becomes more alert the physicians will have a better idea of how he will recover and what the extent of the damage is. I know he, and him family, really appreciate all the people that are thinking of him and praying for him. Thank you all so much!

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