Saturday, October 3, 2009

Side Note

On a side note, I think we may have found a new apartment. We will know for sure on Monday morning. Both of the apartments we have narrowed it down to are 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms! Yay! So we'll have plenty of room for guests. We'll be moving October 17th if anyone wants to help ;)

In this process of apartment hunting I have discovered that my credit has improved much more quickly that I had expected since the accident! I checked my credit report a few months ago (maybe 5 months ago) and it was terrible. Now it's not bad at all! Yay! Apparently I've been doing the right things to correct the damange that stupid jackass that caused our accident put me through!

My favorite little baby at work is getting sick again as well. So if you are already praying for Andrew could you maybe keep my favorite baby Carlos in your thoughts as well. He has had a lot of issues and complications since his birth and now he has gone into liver failure. He is the sweetest, cutest little guy and we are all really pulling for him at work. I know his family would appreciate the thoughts and prayers.

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