Saturday, October 3, 2009

Andrew Update

Thanks to everyone who has been thinking and praying about Andrew. He still is in critical condition and could use all the prayers.
He has had a second surgery now to remove clotting in the brain. The surgeons are keeping him in an induced coma to keep the pressure in his brain at a minimum. He still hasn't woken up since this all happened so the doctors don't know what the extent of the damage is yet. Hopefully it will be minimal and he'll be able to recover with therapy. He still isn't out of the woods yet though. The doctors are still worried about blood clots, especially when they start moving around the body because they can cause strokes or become emboli other places in the body, like the lungs. He also has begun to develop pneumonia. This also is not completely unexpected since he is on a respiratory ventilator, but still a complication he doesn't need. He is still fighting....

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