Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Birthday Party

I was just looking for a picture on our camera memory card and I found a bunch of pictures from my birthday!  Mimi, Ian & Logan came over and Shawn took pictures.  I had completely forgotten!  There are some really cute ones of Logan :)

I'm pretty sure this picture of Mother & Son couldn't be any sweeter!

Logan wanted to help me with my cake...he wanted to grab all the candles, but we put a stop to that! Notice that I am holding his hands back :)

Time for the's game time!  While everyone else was playing Trivial Pursuit, Logan decided to play peek-a-boo with my curtains!

Logan decided that since Uncle Eric was sitting in HIS chair, he would sit on Marcie's bed with her.

"Hello Uncle Shawn!  Why are you still taking my picture?"

I found Auntie Lisa's IPod!  Yay!  Now for a place to play with it...

My chair!  Yay!

Proof that we got Eric to play that Wii Dance game with me!  Notice Mimi, the ginormous poopy-pants, just watching.

All partied out.

I'm pretty sure Ian didn't move from this spot except while we were eating.

What a fun birthday!!

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