Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Throwin' a fit

I was going to repost a super cute video we got the other day of Logan totally mad...but for some reason it won't upload :(  The video is on facebook though so if you're a facebook friend you should totally check it out.  My sweet nephew is the cutest thing ever!  He was not happy at all that we were laughing at his tantrum, but it made for a great video!

Logan started daycare this week and mom started a new job.  None of us are thrilled about him going to daycare, but I do think it will be good for him to start playing with other kids.  He did well yesterday, his first day, but he seemed more comfortable with the adults than the other children.  Hopefully today will go better.  I am going to let him have this week and probably next week to get adjusted then I am planning to keep him home with me once a week.  I am really looking forward to Logan-Auntie Lisa time!  Mimi and Logan are coming over tomorrow to watch all the Royal Wedding stuff that I DVR'd for her.  Mimi is a bit crazy about the Royal Family.  She wishes it was her marrying William :)  Whatever...at least it means me, Mimi, Logan, & Marcie get to spend tomorrow together!

Here are some random pictures from the last month or so.

We took Logan swimming.  He had a blast!  The water was a bit cold, but once we eased into it, he was chillaxin' in his floaty thing.  Awesome.  Btw...that is my new haircut.  It was WAY shorter than I wanted, but I ended up really happy with it since it gets so hot here!  I already need a trim again!

Logan is fascinated by Shawn's Voice Activated R2-D2...so Mimi put him in his R2 shirt before he came to play at our house!

Mimi bought him this hat at Old Navy for $0.08.  Yep.  Not lying.  Doesn't he look cute in it?

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