Friday, May 20, 2011

Sick :(

Most of my life, particularly my adult life, I have been known to get sick very easily.  During nursing school and my first year as a nurse I was sick a TON!  Sinus infections and strep throat plagued my life.   I thought moving to Texas would be great for my health...and it has proven true!  We have been here almost a year and I haven't been sick.  Until now.

I was feeling fine yesterday morning when I woke up...just a little sore throat (from the ceiling fan I thought).  I still felt fine for the first couple of hours of work.  Then it hit.  The throat goobers (for lack of a better word), the chills, the body aches.  I don't typically get fevers, but being a nurse and being in a hospital, I checked my temp.  99.8.  Not too bad.  Elevated but not a fever.  Then I just kept feeling worse.  After lunch my voice started sounding bad...people were noticing.  I was wearing a mask to protect my patients and their families, but I still felt ok.  I was starting to feel more weak and tired and was still really cold, but I was sure I could stick it out to finish my shift.  My head was hurting pretty bad, so I took some ibuprofen after lunch (around 1:30pm) and continued working.  Then around 4pm, it got really bad.  The cold went away and I started sweating, hard core.  I took my temp again...101!  That is not normal for me.  So I went to talk to the charge nurse.  Basically to tell her I would not be at work the next day and that I was going to stop on the way home at an Urgent Care type clinic.  My manager was nearby and when she heard she told me to "get out!"  So I did.  Packed up my things and headed to the clinic, where I was literally radiating heat from my body!  My temperature was not 102!  The NP thought I might have the they ran the test and thank goodness it was negative!  But looks like it is strep throat or some other bacterial bug.  So I am now on antibiotics and stuck in bed.  Boo!  So my longest run without being sick is over.  Oh well...with Logan in daycare now it was bound to happen.  Logan has been sick the entire time since he started daycare (he is currently on antibiotics for an ear infection) and Mimi has strep throat too.  What a healthy bunch we are!

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