Sunday, May 22, 2011


The last few days I have seen sick...sicker than I have been in a long time!  High fever sick.  The doctor was afraid I had the flu since my temperature got so high so quickly!  Don't worry though, no flu, but sick enough not to go to work.  So I've been stuck at home, laying around sleeping and watching movies and old episodes of Bones (I know...sounds terrible, right?)

Yesterday, I was on the couch with the patio door open so Marcie could chill on her bed in the sun.  She loves to do that.  All of the sudden, we heard a loud pop and Marcie comes tearing ass in the house with her tail between her legs.  We rush out to look and there is water pouring out of the utility room.  It looked like a waterfall off of our patio!  I opened the door and basically a spout of some sort had just popped off the water heater, so high pressure water was pouring out of it!  We called maintenance right away (thank goodness for apartment living) and in the meantime I tried to figure out which of the 5 different knobs would turn off the water.  What a day!  Anyway, it is all fixed now but there is some major water damage to the under-side of our porch.  The drywall is all over the ground in front of the garage and there are still pieces of drywall hanging off!  The support beams look fine (Mom was worried) but the particle board is pretty wet.

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