Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why do I need to title this post?

I went to the doctor the other day about my neck pain.  We got an xray and make sure that the pain isn't being caused my additional damage.  I should get a call tomorrow from my doctor to let me know what the xray shows.  She said she may want me to bring in my old xray from after the neck brace came off for comparison.  A girl I work with said that the pain could be because of arthritis forming where the fracture was...I never thought of that.  I hope that isn't the case though!  If the xray looks good then I am going to start physical therapy.  I hope this all works out in a way that allows me to be pain free (or at least with a tolerable level of pain) and not using prescription pain medications.  We'll see...

A few things that have been irritating me lately:
#1 - the Tivo has skipped the recording of two of my favorite shows this week. Jerk.
#2 - My favorite old Tae Bo workout was never made on DVD, only VHS.  So.....I can't do it anymore. Boo.
#3 - When I am taking care of three babies at work, all that take bottles by mouth, and ONE of the babies is a slowpoke kinda feeder that likes to be held so he falls asleep as soon as you start trying to feed him but then wakes right up as soon as you lay him down the other babies start to notice my severe irritation and start to eat poorly too.

Ok.  I feel better now.  Time for bed.

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