Thursday, February 18, 2010


I am having a hard time staying focused on my diet.  The days I work I don't have trouble at all.  I don't snack at work at all...I just drink water and one soda then eat something at one point during the night.  My trouble is the days I am home!  I don't want to go out to stay busy because then I spend money I don't need to spend.  If I stay home and read or watch tv then all I can think about is food!  I need something else to do!  I haven't been going to the gym because my neck has been bothering me so I am really lost.  Any suggestions?

On a related note, I spoke with my doctor about my neck.  The Xray doesn't show an lasting damage to the bones where the fractures were, so that is good.  However, my neck as a whole didn't heal exactly right.  The curvature of my neck is off and the muscles and tendons on the left side of my neck are weakened.  So, after we get back from California next week I will be starting physical therapy.  I really hope that will help. 

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