Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rude Drivers

I wish I could understand why people are so rude when they are driving.  These are the things I hate most when driving.

- When you are behind a bus and you want to get to the next lane, so you turn your turn signal on and the guy  behind you immediately moves over when you can so now you can't...then everyone behind them does the same thing so you can't get away from the bus.  Jerks.
- When a lane is ending and people KNOW they have to merge but they don't.  They keep driving where they are until the last second that they HAVE to merge and then the people who have been driving like they should get held up...for very long times sometimes!
- When people change lanes right in front of you and almost hit you and  you look and they are talking on their cell phone or putting on makeup and obviously not paying attention.
- When people on the highway in the left lane (especially when there are 4 lanes) are driving below the speed limit or at least less than the flow of traffic.  There are 3 other lanes of slow moving taffic...seriously!  Move over!
- Gapers Block.  Enough said!
- Pedestrian crossing in front of traffic or not at crosswalks then there IS traffic.  In cities like Chicago there are crosswalks for a reason...wait for the little white "you can cross now" symbol and then cross!  The people in cars have someplace to be too!
- People in cars that honk at pedestrians or bikers.  That is just cruel!

Anyway...I will stop ranting now.  The one thing that drives me nuts about typical drivers is that they do these things, but when someone does the same stuff to them they act like it is so horrible.  Hello?  Get a grip!  If everyone could just stop and think for a second my road rage would surely improve.  I wish the driving test was harder!

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