Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Normal Life

I don't really have much to report now that I'm back in Chicago.  I miss little Logan already though!  Shawn and I got back on Friday morning and then I went straight back to work that night and the next two nights!  Finally yesterday I got a chance to get settled back in and relax a bit...except we needed groceries, I needed to do laundry, and I have really realized how little time I have to get all the packing and such done!  So, today I started packing.  The move is all set now.  I have a job, we have an apartment, I have reserved the moving truck and movers in Chicago and Texas, and I picked up the boxes today to start packing.  Oh fun!

As you may have figured out already, the pictures of Logan have stopped appearing on my blog (as well as Mimi's) because I am no longer in Austin.  I called today and harassed Mom and Mimi to continue with the picture taking and blog updating, so there should be an update about Logan today!

1 comment:

Tia said...

I had a lot to catch up on your blog! COngrats on your new nephew and the move and everything else! Good luck!