Saturday, January 23, 2010

My puzzle

Over the last couple of weeks on days when I can't sleep and I wake up way before the rest of the world I have been working on puzzle.  This morning (when I woke up at 5:15am) I finally finished it!  The last week has been the longest because I have been trying to finish the sky portion of the puzzle, and doing the sky is HARD!  Anyway, it is all done.  So, now what am I going to do when I can't sleep??

I also found a couple of random pictures from Christmas that I never posted.

This is the tie I got for Eric for Christmas.  I knew he had a new nice shirt for dressy occasions and I thought I would try to find him a tie that he would actually wear.  Turned out pretty cool...if I do say so!  He liked it, so I guess that's all that matters!

Also, since I got to see my favorite puppies in the world I thought I would post the picture I have of them together, both looking at me!  Amazing!  They are hard to get to focus at the same time!  It was so fun to get to see I just have to wait until I go to Texas to see them again.

Date night last night was nice.  Unfortunately, the movie Shawn wanted to go see isn't out in theaters yet.  Well...he doesn't actually want to see it, but I do so we were going to go.  We still went out to dinner though at Red Lobster.  Yum.  I hadn't been feeling well all day though and I totally crashed when we got home.  Basically sound asleep by like 8:30pm.  That would explain why I woke up at 5 this morning!

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