Friday, January 29, 2010


I know many of you have heard me talk about "My Baby Carlos" at work...he is a baby that was born at our hospital last year very, very early.  He ended up getting a very serious infection of his gut and has had a very rough first year of life...but amazingly he celebrated his 1st birthday on Wednesday!  He was my favorite patient and I took care of him just about every time I worked.  Shawn and I even bought him a hat in Ireland while we were on our honeymoon!  He is no longer in our NICU, nor in our hospital.  His mother invited us to visit him at the hospital he is in currently for his 1st birthday party.  He doesn't look great yet, but he is slowly getting better.  It makes me so happy that this sweet little boy has made it to his first birthday and I hope he has many more!  It was really great to see him, even though he is still very sick.  His mother promised she will continue to keep us posted on his condition and I hope she does.  Babies like these, where I can really impact their lives and they truly impact mine, are the main reason I love my job as much as I do!

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