Thursday, January 21, 2010

Catch Up

I guess I've been slacking on my blogging the last couple of weeks.  So...where to start with the catching up.

Most importantly...Mimi is pregnant!  She found out that it will be a boy (she is about 21-22 weeks along right now) so I am going to have my first little nephew!  I am so freaking excited!  She is due on June 2nd, so it looks like I will be taking a vacation to Texas in June.  Well...I hardly think it will be very relaxing since helping a new mom get settled at home with a new baby and helping with house work, cooking, getting the dogs settled, etc will hardly be easy.  I am excited to do it though!  Yay!  Here is my favorite ultrasound picture so far.

Another exciting, but somewhat scary news is that my friends from college (Sarah & Ian Bundy) were pregnant and due to have a baby in mid-March. Well...that baby decided to arrive early and was born about a week ago. Isabelle Bundy is healthy but was only born at 31 weeks, so little bit more than a smidge early. She is doing very well, but will be in the hospital for several more weeks. Luckily Sarah went into labor early enough to get a dose of steriods to help little Isabelle's lungs and she was also born quite large for a baby only about 7-1/2 months along. So far everything looks good and Sarah is doing well too. Although Isabelle is doing well, there are many complications that can arise from prematurity so please keep the Bundy family in your thoughts as she continues to grow and develop and hopefully she'll be home before we know it! Here is a picture of baby Isabelle with her happy mommy!

I have been doing Weight Watchers for the last few weeks too.  So far it is going well!  I haven't been getting to the gym as much as I should (it has been so cold to walk there...I know that is a lame excuse though) but the changes in my eating habits has been working.  So far I have lost about 8 lbs.  Yay!  Quick loss early really helps with the motivation to stay focused!  I think the hardest part is the cooking at home.  It is hard to find things for me to cook and also be able to eat that Shawn will also enjoy.  I don't need him losing a bunch of weight either.  Luckily the Weight Watchers website has a TON of recipes and you can alter then if you want and it will recalculate the point value for you.  Nice.  I hope that I can continue following my plan!

I have been working a lot lately because we have been swamped at work, but that is good because it is extra money for us.  We are planning a trip out to LA in February to stay with Albert and of course we will finally be able to visit Andrew!  All reports from his family sound great...but of course he still has a long recovery ahead still.  Because I have been working so much Shawn decided we needed a date night, so that is tomorrow.  He won't tell me what we're doing though.  Boo.  I hate surprises!

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