Thursday, September 4, 2008


I am SO SO SOOOO ready to be done with this horrible neck brace! I go back to the doctor Monday and based on previous plans with the doctor I should be getting this stupid brace off! Shawn doesn't want to get too excited yet, just in case the Xrays change the current plan...but I can't help but get excited. It has been 13 weeks now and I have had enough! I am ready to be able to sleep without the neck brace making me snore and keeping me awake just by being incredibly uncomfortable. I am ready to stop getting stupid pimples along the bottom of my chin because of this brace. I am ready to not have to wear this thing that is like a scarf all summer! Anyway...I'm ready and excited so I'm just gonna have to keep hoping that everything has healed as it should so the doctor will give me good news after he sees my Xrays on Monday! Everyone needs to think good thoughts!
I have decided that it is time to start looking for another car now...I will hopefully get the ok to start driving soon so a car to replace the one that was totalled would be good. I hate car shopping. Cars are expensive. Any thoughts on what I should get?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pray you get a good report from the doctor and you can say a fianl Good-bye to that dang neck brace.
Love N Hugs, Sue