This past Sunday, July 12, was Shawn's 26th Birthday.
I made him a sweet birthday cake (if I do say so myself). He liked it anyway, so I guess that's all that matters!
We wanted to do something fun and special for Shawn's birthday, so we decided to take a 2 day trip to Metropolis, IL. Shawn has been wanting to go there so quite awhile, so we finally made the journey down to the very bottom of the state of Illinois. The town is right on the Ohio River just bordering Paducah, KY. They have a Superman Festival every year in June, but we've never been able to go for that. There is a Superman Museum though and other Superman attractions, so we headed down Saturday morning after breakfast with Dad, Ana & Niko. It is a 6 hour drive!!! We decided to stay at a bed & breakfast in town. It is called the Summers Riverview Mansion.
The Massac County Court House is in Metroplis and they have a large Superman Statue in the town square. As you can see, he's pretty tall! The town also has 2 musems. The Americana Hollywood Museum and the Super Museum. The Americana Hollywood Museum has all kinds of stuff about comic and Superman but also movie stuff too. There was a big section about Angelina Jolie (Tomb Raider stuff mostly) and Elvis, James Dean, Pamela Anderson (costumes she's worn in her movies...I didn't even know she was in movies!), etc. It had a ton of stuff. Was pretty neat to look though. There was also the Super Museum which was basically the history of Superman from comics through the movies. There was actual props and costumes from the movies and old TV shows plus tons of stuff you could have bought over the years. It was really neat to see the kind of Superman toys and stuff that was for sale back in the 50's as compared to now!
There was a piece of "Kryptonite" in town. Shawn is demonstrating the way Clark/Superman is hurt by it!
Here is me in a Wonder Woman cape I wanted to steal! Seriously...If anyone knows where I can buy one of these I want it!
Superman's tombstone at the Super Museum.
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