Monday, July 20, 2009

7 weeks to go...

With only 7 weeks until the wedding, I am starting to freak out a bit...just a bit though :) I have been doing a lot of stuff slowly along the way, but there is still so much to do! I'm trying to do a little everyday and I think I'm doing pretty well. A few months ago Shawn and I got together with out parents to go through old pictures of us when we were kids. I have been working on a slideshow to play during the cocktail hour. I finally finished and I think it's pretty good. The one for the wedding will play through the entire cocktail hour kind of on a loop since people will be walking around and talking and won't just be sitting there watching it. I created a shorter version with only pictures of Shawn and I as kids through high school to share with you all now. I hope you enjoy it!

To add to my stress level right now, Shawn and I need to find a new apartment. Our current least ends in October but with the wedding and honeymoon in September I really need to find a new place now. It is hard to look so early though, so I am going to have to go apartment hunting at the end of August, which I know is going to stress me out! I really hope I find something perfect quickly. We like our current place but there are several things we really need to change, so the apartment quest begins...

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