Monday, March 2, 2009

Goodbye My Computer

So...I am saying goodbye to my computer today. My laptop has been a great companion since I started nursing school and now it is time to say goodbye. Although it still works, the internet is being a problem child and it has started shutting down randomly. So yesterday I paid a visit to BestBuy and got some computer advice from Ian and decided that I needed to get a new computer. I wasn't sure if I should get another laptop or a desktop, but I finally decided on a new laptop. I loved my Toshiba, so I decided not to stray. I got a new Toshiba and I love it! I am having a time getting used to Vista, but so far I am figuring it out!

On a side note, Shawn and I are going to another Blackhawks game tomorrow night. This game we have really awesome seats! SO excited!!! Also, Mimi is coming to visit next week! She'll be here in Chicago on Sunday, along with Mom and Eric. I'm so excited!! Also...Shawn and I decided we are going to go to Ireland for our honeymoon. Also super excited about that! I am so excited for our wedding :) I met with a couple of florists earlier this week and I feel really good about it! I was thinking about maybe trying to do the flowers myself, but I think that I am not going to mess with that. Both florists I met with had some really good ideas, so I'm just waiting for quotes now and then I can make a decision. I love getting things decided for the less thing to stress about. We finally set the design for the save-the-dates today, so those should be ready soon to be sent out. Shawn and I went to Target to do our registry this week and I did one for Crate and Barrel last week (I didn't figure Shawn would care about that one much!).

My friend Shannon's bachelorette party is coming up in March and that should be fun! I miss my Shannie so much! She was such a good roomie and I miss my sleeping-friend Benji! I don't have anyone (or any dog) to sleep with me now during the day :( The bachelorette party will be really fun. Also, my friend Mark from Ball State just got engaged! I am so happy for him! He really sounds like he has found a path that will truly make him happy and I know he's been struggling recently with his life's path. Yay to marriages everywhere! On a sadder note, my friends Sarah and Ian from IU had announced that they were pregnant but discovered recently that Sarah lost the baby. They are devastated and so any prayers for them I know they would appreciate.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Hey Lisa! This is Mandy Briggs (Thornburg). I happen to come across your blog today... so happy you are getting married! Hope things are going well which from what I read of your blog they are!:) Tell your family I said hello!