Tuesday, March 24, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day has come and gone again...and like always it was a ton of fun! Shawn's brother Patrick came to visit us for a few days and stayed for "his" day :) There is a street near us that I have noticed has quite a few Irish Pubs, so we decided to make the rounds and hit up a few. We weren't able to go out over the weekend (which is when the most people were out in the city) but we thoroughly enjoyed the actual St. Patty's Day. Murphy's Pub was our favorite stop...there was karoke after all! Shawn and I sang out signature song, "Summer Nights" from Grease. Niko (my step-brother) also met us out and he and Shawn brought down the house with "Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi. It was awesome! Niko and I both got t-shirts for singing and Niko got a sweet hat that he gave me!

Me and My Man!

Brothers. Notice Patrick isn't wearing green! I still think he deserves more pinches for this...I don't care what his name is! If you see him, pinch him hard!

We loved Party #3. Murphy's Pub rocked! This is my awesome hat. I am going to keep it forever :)
Some of the highlights of the night:
#1 Two old ladies (and by old I mean in their 50's) hitting on Patrick at Party #2.
#2 Crazy girls trying to pick up Niko at Party #4.
#3 Balloon guy outside Party #1 making the spiderman balloons.
#4 Karoke at Party #3.
#5 Awesome green sequin hat from Party #3.
We are looking forward to next year already!

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