Thursday, January 12, 2012

Doggie Door

I am pretty sure I have mentioned before that we put in a storm door on our porch with a doggie door for Marcie.  She LOVES to be on the porch and we originally just left the door open for her to go in and out...but it got SO HOT in the summer we just couldn't handle it.  So we journeyed to Home Depot and ordered a storm door with a built in doggie door.  It was $200, but totally worth it!

Ever since we got it, Logan has been checking it out.  He watched Marcie go through and he would touch it and squat looking through it, but he never tried to go through it himself.  Until yesterday.

That kiddo LOVES to be outside.  If I try to take Marcie outside without bringing him with me you can hear him screaming from inside all the way down the stairs!  So on nice days he plays on our porch with Marcie.  Yesterday was a beautiful day.  Mimi and I were both off of work, so we took Logan to Zilker Park to play then after running some errands came back to my place to play with Marcie.  Logan had been on the porch but we brought him inside when Eric came home from school and closed the door.  He was not happy about it.  Mimi and I were not paying attention to him while we talked to Eric and all of the sudden we went to look to see why he was being so quiet...

We found him with his front half out through the doggie door and all we could see were little chubby legs flailing on the inside.  He was trying so hard to get he rest of the way through!  I wish we would have gotten a picture, but we were both laughing so hard we couldn't move to get our phones.  It was great!  That kid cracks us up!

Never a boring moment when you have kids and dogs around :)

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