Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pumpkin Carving!

Shawn and I were out shopping today...enjoying a day with just about nothing important to do.   We decided to wander around Target (what else is better than that?).  We we wandering around the Halloween stuff (if you can find it through all the Christmas stuff that's out already...but that is another story) and I found something that I really wanted.  Well a few things.  Actually more than a few, but we settled on two things.  A really cool clear glass pumpkin shaped candy bowl with a lid and a pumpkin carving kit with stencils of characters from Monster's, Inc.   So cool!

So we decided to buy something pumpkins too and get the decorating going!  I bought a couple of small, decorative pumpkins to complete the centerpiece of my dining room table.

I decided to carve "Boo" in her monster costume.  It was hard!  There were a lot of details, but I think it came out pretty well!   Shawn decided to do the Green Lantern logo (probably because we bought that movie today too). 

I am totally new at the pumpkin carving thing, but I think we did pretty well!  I can't wait to do it again next year!  I also dug out some stuff I bought after Halloween last year and got Marcie in her scary "eyeball" scarf.  She was not really a fan.

She did like the bits of pumpkin she wouldn't stop eating though.  I hope they don't make her sick :( 

I love days like this...all day with my favorite guy!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I am SO impressed!