Saturday, July 3, 2010

Twilight: Eclipse

Unless you live under a rock, you are aware of the Twilight craze that has been sweeping the world over the last few years.  I read the books a couple of years ago and I really enjoyed them.  When I heard they were going to make the books into movies I was immediately afraid...the movie industry likes to ruin my favorite books (Example: The DaVinci Code, Harry Potter).  I have been fairly disappointed with the films Twilight and Twilight: New Moon.  They were both ok, but the mediocre acting really hindered the overall effect.  I had better expectations for Eclipse, seeing as it is my favorite of the books and there is actual fighting in the books, so they didn't have to create action for the films where is doesn't exist (like they did in New Moon). 

Eclipse didn't disappoint.  I really did enjoy it more than the first two films.  The acting seemed better, even from Kristen Stewart!  This books had a lot of back story for the Cullen vampires Jasper and Rosalie.  I was afraid this would be left out, but was happily surprised to see the back stories realized!  Also, the movie showed a lot of what was going on in Seattle during the Eclipse story, which is only mentioned in the book.  A full account of Victoria's army in Seattle was recently released in a Twilight Novelette by Stephenie Meyer called The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: A Twilight Novella.  This was a really quick but interesting read if you've read the Twilight books and love them. 

Overall, I liked Eclipse a lot and I think if you're a fan of the books you should definitely go see it while it is in the theater.

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