Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I just finished the wedding invitations! They are all assembled and addressed! Ready to go! I told Shawn that once they are sent out there is no turning back :) I also finished making the ring bearer pillow too. It turned out really super cute, if I do say so myself! Here is a picture of it.

We also took a weekend trip to Indy this past weekend for a wedding. An old friend of Shawn's was getting married, so we stopped by the reception for a little while. The cake was delicious! Since we were in Indy, of course we stayed with Theresa. She had picked up her bridesmaid dress so I helped her try it on. Beautiful!! The color is perfect and her dress looks amazing on her! The wedding is going to be great! While we were in town we also stopped by to see another friend of Shawn's. His friend Nate from Ball State was having a birthday so we played some beer pong. It had been quite awhile since Shawn and I played, but I think we did pretty well! Overall we had a pretty good weekend.
We went last night to see Transformers 2 in IMAX at Navy Pier. It was pretty amazing to watch on the big screen and the sound was amazing! The plot...well it has lots of wholes, but overall not too bad. The first movie was way better, but there was some pretty good action in this one. I'm looking forward to Harry Potter now!

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