Sunday, August 23, 2009

Date Night

Yesterday Shawn got to leave work early, so I went to pick him up. I asked what he wanted for dinner and he said we already had plans. He had planned dinner and a movie for us and he wouldn't tell me where we were going or what we were going to see! I am not a big fan of surprises, but it turned out to be so nice!
There is a little Italian restaurant down the street from our place that I have been wanting to try for awhile. So Shawn suggested we go there. It is called La Bella and it was really good! My meal was HUGE so I ended up bringing half of it home (and I'm sure it will taste even more delicious as left overs!). Then we went to the movies to see The Time Traveler's Wife. I didn't think Shawn wanted to see this movie (and he really didn't) but he knew I wanted to, so we went. I really liked it. Mom has been wanting me to read the book for quite awhile but I just haven't had time. As soon as the wedding is done I will start reading again. I promise Mom! The movie was very romantic and still something that really made you think, which are two of my favorite things in a movie. It was kinda cheesy at times, but not too bad. I only cried a few times, so that's pretty good for me. And Shawn even ended up liking it. He thought the whole time traveling thing was pretty cool.
The movie made me think about something and I wondered what other people thought about it too. In the movie the main character struggles with the concept of knowing when he is going to die. It made me wonder if that is something I would want to know? I never thought I would want to know ahead of time when I was going to die, but if you don't know then you run the risk of unfinished business. Of never getting to say certain things to people and never getting to do things you always wanted to do. Shawn said that shouldn't matter because you should always make sure people know how you feel and just make sure to do the things you want to do. But I just feel like if I knew then I could mentally prepare myself and have a chance to say goodbye to those I love most. I think I would like to have that chance even if it means knowing exactly when I am going to die. I guess it doesn't really matter because I don't time travel and I am not going to know exactly when I am going to die. is just something I was left thinking about after the movie.
P.S. Date night was great...I have the greatest fiance ever!

1 comment:

Lindy from Indy said...

Had to comment on this one! I also saw the movie and really enjoyed it. I really loved the music in the film too.

PS. I think I want to know when/how I'm going to die... Though, I tend to go a little overboard with the, "let me tell you how much I love you, in case I die tomorrow" deal sometimes already! God help MY fiance, when he comes along!!

Hope everything is still going well.....keep writing!