Tuesday, June 3, 2008


So...I am going through a rough time right now. Friday Shawn and I drove to SB to pick up Theresa for my sis's graduation. We were so excited about the weekend...time off work and almost all of the JLP together (we alwayas miss you Andrew!). Plus...Sara was graduating high school! How exciting was that for her! I was so excited to be there for her and I got a new dress I was gonna wear and everything. We stopped for lunch in Rochester and I cursed the town again for my speeding ticket from last year then we started off again. We had stuff to do before graduation and Al would be arriving in Muncie right after his training that night. The happy mood of the changed suddenly when we we in an accident as we were driving south on 31. Someone was driving across at 16 and "apparently" didn't see us because they did not stop! We collided with them at pretty high speed. I had just slammed on the brakes, but seeing as the speed limit is 60 I was surely still going over 50 at impact because there was little time to react! I tried co turn the car to the right to see if we could avoid the crash, but we were too close and they came out of nowhere right in front of us. Shawn was in the backseat and managed to get out of the car after the accident. He noticed the car was smoking and thought it looked like T and I had gas on us so he pulled T out of the car and then someone pulled over to help him get me out because my door was banged up pretty bad. Neither T nor I were making any sense and we don't remember the crash or anything afterward until the paramedics were already working on us. T and I were taken by helicopter to Parkview in Ft. Wayne. Shawn had some scrapes and bruises and was really sore the next day, T has quite a gash on her leg and one crazy seat belt bruise, but thank goodness they are ok! I was so worried after the accident about them! I had been driving and they are two of the most important people in my world...I was devastated that they could have been injured! What I was not prepared for were my injuries! I have badly bruised/strained my left ankle (using a cane to walk), fractured my right wrist, have a wild and crazy seat belt bruise, airbag bruise on my nose and cheeck, and the kicker: fractured the top 2 vertebrae in my neck-the C1 and C2 vertebrae on te left side! At this time no surgery is required, I am walking with a cane and have direct instructions to be extremely careful at all times! I will bw wearing a neck collar 24 hours a day for the next 12 weeks and watching the progress of the healing. They have not yey ruled out needing traction in the form of a cervical Halo, but I really hope I can heal well without it. So, I am alive and ok, but this is gonna be a huge ordeal for me! I will be unable to work this whole time and I am sure physical therapy will be required after I get the brace off, so it could be the fall before I am able to get back to nursing! Shawn and I will probably be back in Muncie for my healing time, as much as we love Oak Park we can't afford to stay there with me not working plus I am gonna need a lot of help to care for myself for awhile and it would be easier for Shawn to have my mom and my family here to help. We would appreciate any spare thoughts and prayers as I recover and as T and Shawn get better too. I was released from the hospital yesterday and Mom brought me home to Farmland while we get things figured out. Shawn went yesterday to get all of our stuff out of the car and he has a picture of the damage, but I haven't wanted to see it yet, I'm gonna get some pictures today of my bruises today for Mimi so I will post those later. To all of you who read this: I love you all so much and I don't know what I would do without my family and friends...and of course my Shawn! He pulled T and I out of the car and called our families and he was right by my side for me (except they wouldn't let him come in the helicopter). This is gonna be a rough few months, but I will survive!

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