Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving...and moving on to Christmas!

Thanksgiving has come and gone again.  We ate a ton of food and spent quality time with our families.  We once again took time to think about the things in our lives that we are truly thankful for.

I am thankful for my family more than anything in the world!  Not all families enjoy being together and I can honestly say that there is never a dull moment when you're with any part of my family :)  We laugh and cry together...but there is certainly more laughing than anything else!  The laughing is almost constant when you're  around Logan.  He's such a hoot! I am so thankful that my wonderful husband has fit into my family so well and meshes just like he's always been a part of it.  He is the best husband anyone could ask for and I love him so much!!  I am thankful that we have been given the great opportunity of becoming parents together.  I know that baby Nora is going to have a great father and a great life, as will any future children we have.  Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

Gotta love that sweet (and mischievous face!)

My sweet Marcie Moo always want to sitting right next to me!

Thanksgiving dinner!  Wish more of our family could have spent this day with us for our first Thanksgiving in our new home!

Now that we're through Thanksgiving it is time to get excited about Christmas!!  I love Christmas time.  The music.  The lights everywhere.  Normally the snow, but not here :)  I did get a bit of a head start on Christmas this year, busting out my Christmas tunes almost a month ago.  I was told it was ok because I'm pregnant!  I'm sticking with that story!  Everyone probably knows that family debate that has existed for the past few years about my blue tree vs. a mismash "family" tree.  I was overruled last year and it seems that will be the case forever now.  So my blue tree became the the little upstairs 4' tree.  But I love it anyway!  I've been playing with our camera and found some stuff on pinterest about how to take "glowing" pictures of Christmas trees, so I tried it out on my little blue tree.  Beautiful!

On Thanksgiving day we put up our family tree.  Turned out pretty nice!

Now time to decorate the rest of the house! Yay!!!  I love Christmas time!

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