Saturday, April 21, 2012

Being Crafty

Largely due to my unhealthy addiction to Pinterest, I have been extrodinarily crafty lately... for me anyway! I love being crafty, but I am not very creative so I need ideas to get me going.  Luckily Pinterest is FULL of ideas! 

I found two things recently that I thought were easy and great ideas, so I copied :)

Both of these are basically scrapbook paper placed inside a frame with glass.  The glass then can be used as a "dry erase" board!  Genious!

 This one is printed with the words "I love you because..." then you use a dry erase marker to add reasons you love your spouse to leave notes for each other!  Cute idea, right?  We keep it on our dresser since that is a place we will definately look everyday.

Our new kitchen dry erase board is much cuter than buying a plain white board and we can use it to plan the weeks dinner menu!  I just bought a cheap red frame since my kitchen has red accents and used a scrapbook paper with a simple pattern (the pattern also has some red dots, but you can't really see them!)

The third thing I wanted to make was a wreath for the front door.  This time of year there isn't a holiday wreath to use and I hate having the front door empty :(  So I search pinterest for diy wreaths.  I found several that I liked and I took a few bits from each and combined them to make my own!  I knew I wanted it to be a monogram wreath (and since Mom and Eric have a last name with a M and Shawn and I have a last name with a M..perfect) but I wasn't sure what else I wanted.  I decided in the end to use our wedding colors too.  This is what I got.

I had to find some instructions online to figure out how to make the felt rosettes, but I think they turned out pretty good!  Shawn wanted me to paint the M a different color, but in the end I think the white works perfectly!

 I have to admit...I am pretty pleased with my own craftiness :)