It is that time again. Time to pack away all the Christmas stuff. Normally I am so fast about getting everything up and that gives me a lot of time to enjoy it...not so this year! I was so pokey about getting my decorations up, and now it's time to put them away already :( I could leave them out longer, but seeing as the baby is coming sometime in the next month, I figure I should get everything put away otherwise it may be out until summer!
This year I did get a few Pinterest Christmas projects done (and partially finished another). Here are my Christmas projects for this year.
This garland looked like it would be so easy...not so much! I struggled with this but I knew it would turn out great so I made myself keep at it...and it did turn out great! I am going to make some more for next year so it goes all the way up the stairs. Love it!
I thought this would be such a cool way to display Christmas cards we received. Just attach ribbon to the cabinets and attach cards with little clips. Easy!
Easiest project yet...especially since we already had the wreath!
Didn't quite get this one finished, but next year there will be 4 knobs across the bottom to hold stockings.
Now for a few of Logan that didn't get posted from Christmas. Shawn went over to Mimi's house Christmas morning and took some pictures since I was at work. Here he is enjoying his new bike in his Christmas pj's.
Could this kid be any cuter???
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!