Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Musical Days of Christmas: Day 22

When I was a kid, my mom had a record player in the living room entertainment center.  I always thought it was so cool.  We would go to the record store every week when I got my allowance and I would buy a 45...a single song.  I loved it!  I had some really cool stuff Madonna's True Blue, which was actually a blue record, the Ghostbusters Theme, Stacy Q's Two of Hearts, Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam's Lost in Emotion, oh the list of coolness goes on! 

My mom had a ton of records too and Mimi and I loved to listen to them, especially Eddie Murphy's comedy album with the song Boogie in Your Butt. Sounds pretty awesome, right?  Well, mom also had an album with a great Christmas song, which is the next song on my Christmas Journey.

Jingle Bells
by: Barbra Streisand
A Christmas Album

People typically have a plenty of criticism for Barbra Streisand, but I am not ashamed to say that I think she is quite talented.  She is an amazing singer and really her movies are good too!  The Mirror has Two Faces is one of my favorites, starring her, Jeff Bridges, Lauren Bacall, Peirce Brosnan...Great movie.  Anyway, I love this version of Jingle Bells.  It is very unique and fun.

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