Friday, September 12, 2008

It's Getting Better All The Time!

I am feeling SO much better already! The neck brace came off Monday and Tuesday was pretty rough. All day I basically sat around with the heating pad. Wednesday I was able to move my neck a lot more and I even drove just a bit to test it out (with Mom right beside me!). By Thursday I was feeling loads better. I still don't have complete full ROM yet, and certain movements do hurt, but overall I feel like I have my neck basically back! I decided to fix my hair once the neck brace came off too, so I've fixed the color and gotten a cut. The color is a little darker than I normally do, but I like it. I think it fits me and the cut is similar to what I usually do (when I actually keep up with my hair) but not exactly. My hair stylist has been on maternity leave FOREVER and so I've had to have someone new cut it the last few times (hate that!).

Shawn and I have started our planning to get back to our life! We are going Monday to Chicago to look for apartments in Oak Park. I have already talked to my recruiter from my travel agency and she's working on finding me a new contract in the Chicago area. The current plan is to start mid to late October. We're current planning to head back to Oak Park in early October. So, in order to get back there we need a car. I've been doing lots on online research and I have been to several car dealerships to check cars out. We went today to test drive a few and we decided! We are going to be getting a Scion xD. I am so excited! Unfortunately my credit is basically in the toilet right now due to the medical bills and I was late on some regular bills in the month after the accident, but we're going to be able to get a pretty good deal. We're thinking we'll be able to refinance after we get back on our feet and my credit is better (so once everything gets settled with the insurance company and my medical bills are paid.) Anyway, we don't know what color the car is gonna be yet. We told them we are open to any of the colors except for white and red, which leaves silver, black, gray, and dark blue. We do want a manual, so they are gonna find one for us. We're hoping to get this all settled this month so we can get to Oak Park next month. Yay! Things are falling into line!

Tonight we're heading to Indy. My old roommate Sarah is having her bachelorette party so Theresa and I are heading to that. Shawn and Albert and gonna sit back, drink some Keystone, eat the yummy snacks I made them, and watch Season 7 of Smallville (which came out on video this week). Fun stuff! I'm sure I'll have some picture tomorrow!


The Athearns said...

Yea for no more neck brace! :) So glad you are getting back to normal. I love the hair--you look so pretty!

Rachel C said...

That's great that your neckbrace is finally off:) Are you able to hold your head up without it? Are you moving to Chicago soon? and are you still going to be the "travelling nurse"?